"alici.channel (90) " > defined communication channel value of 90 yaptık.b receiver module in the setup value should be the same value in both modules. Spı.beg the added library SP for communicating with the SPI protocol () The setup communications function is started by writing into. On behalf of transmitter modules in this function "transmitter" We named. "nrf24l01p transmitter (7,8) " > Here's command 7.p the CSN 8.p is defined as the CE pin. In this function on behalf of the receiver module "receiver" We named. nrf24l01p attractive (7.8) > Here's command 7.p the CSN 8.p is defined as the CE pin. Void displayBits(byte b, int howManyBits) writes a single line of formatted text to the screen at the current cursor position - keep it short! The sizeof this struct should not exceed 32 bytes #error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!") Ĭonst uint64_t pipeIn = 0圎8E8F0F0E1LL // match this on both sides! VCC - VCC (mine seems to work with both 5V and 3.3V

This report would have more information with One can change the name of the zip folder but not the one inside it.ĭo we have to unzip, then rename, then zip it up again.Īnyhow, the ide when compiling says it cannot find the file yet, when I check the library, it is already there.ĭo not know why it is looking for the file in the folder where I downloaded the code either.Īrduino: 1.8.5 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini, ATmega328P (5V, 16 MHz)"Ĭ:\Users\bob\Desktop\iForce2D Programs\temp_tester_new\temp_tester_new.ino:22:22: fatal error: nRF24L01.h: No such file or directoryĮrror compiling for board Arduino Pro or Pro Mini.

When I go to one of the links it says " NOTE! If you get a Library that is labelled "Master", like "RF24-Master.zip" you must RENAME the Zip file AND the folder inside it to remove the "-Master" part! " Realise it's an old post but same problems here.